The Vine Community Church

The Vine Community Church values your privacy and data but also wants to keep in touch with you.

To help us comply with legislation we have chosen to use Mail Chimp, an industry-leading, mail management product. 
This, of course, does not stop you mailing us directly and we will be sure to respond but for newsletters and event reminders we will be using the Mail Chimp System.
This form allows you to add your contact details to allow us to send newsletters to you.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a really positive step towards giving you more control over how your data is used and how you wish to be contacted. The changes will also help better protect your personal data, and we have updated our Privacy Notice to reflect these changes.  After you sign up you can manage your details and unsubscribe at any time.

As a membership organisation, you are at the heart of what we do and your trust is important to us, so we want to make sure you understand what these changes mean. If you'd like to find out more, take a look at our Privacy Notice.
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The Vine Community Church will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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